World Healing Day, etc.

April 30, 2011

An open event
To anyone who wishes
To do some healing.

can include yoga, prayer, meditation, art, and music

It’s Hairstyle Appreciation DayNational Honesty Day, Sexual Assault Awareness Month, Koninginnedag, Easter Saturday, Honesty Day, Reunification Day (Vietnam), World Healing Day (last Saturday in April), and Walpurgis Night (or May 1).

Arbor Day, etc.

April 29, 2011

Go on a camp trip
To a wooded area;
Or just plant a tree.

arbor means tree

It’s Arbor Day (last Friday in April), Greenery DayNational Shrimp Scampi Day, Lawn and Garden Month, Día de la Chupina, Easter Friday, Saint Endelienta, International Dance Day, Shōwa Day, and Golden Week (Japan).

Take Your Daughter to Work Day, etc.

April 28, 2011

Take your child to work
So that she can learn from you
And see what you do.


It’s Great Poetry Reading DayKiss Your Mate Day, Take Your Daughter to Work Day (forth Thursday in April), Poetry Month, Mujahideen Victory Day, National Day of Mourning (Canadian observance), Workers’ Memorial Day, and Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day.

Tell a Story Day, etc.

April 27, 2011

Tell a small story,
A big one if you like, or
Something in between.

epic adventure

It’s Babe Ruth DayNational Prime Rib DayTell a Story Day, National Karaoke Week (week 4), International Guitar Month, Administrative Professionals’ Day, Floralia (April 27 to May 3), Freedom Day (South Africa), UnFreedom Day, and World Graphic Design Day.

Hug an Australian Day, etc.

April 26, 2011

Go hug an Aussie,
If you can even find one
Where ever you are.

maybe New Zealand

It’s Executive Admin’s Day (Secretary’s Day), Hug an Australian DayNational Pretzel Day Richter Scale Day, Administrative Assistants Week (week 4), Confederate Memorial Day (Florida, Georgia, Texas), and World Intellectual Property Day.

St. Mark’s Day, etc.

April 25, 2011

A lowly soldier
Was wounded in battle, and
Sent his love a rose.

A bloody rosebud.

It’s Dyngus Day (always the Monday after Easter), East meets West DayWorld Penguin Day, Anzac Day, Robigalia, the Major Rogation, Parental Alienation Awareness Day, St. Mark’s Day, Confederate Memorial Day (Alabama (the fourth Monday in April), Mississippi (last Monday in April)), and Easter Monday.

Easter Sunday, etc.

April 24, 2011

Look for painted eggs,
That were dropped by a rabbit,
Or something like that.

Or celebrate Christ’s resurrection.

It’s Easter SundayPig in a Blanket DayGenocide Remembrance Day (Armenian), St Mark’s Eve, and National Small Business Week.

Take a Chance Day, etc.

April 23, 2011

Take a little chance
To do something different
And, perhaps, unique.

But not illegal.

It’s Lover’s DayNational Zucchini Bread DayTake a Chance DayWorld Laboratory Day, Canada Book Day, International Pixel-Stained Technopeasant Day, Vinalia, World Book and Copyright Day, traditionally William Shakespeare‘s birthday, St. George’s Day, Holy Saturday, and Easter Vigil (the hours of darkness between sunset on Holy Saturday and sunrise on Easter Day).

Earth Day, etc.

April 22, 2011

Take care of the earth
So that we can live better
And more healthily.

Use only what you need.

It’s Earth Day (U.S.)Good Friday (Royal Hours (Great Friday)), Girl Scout Leader DayNational Jelly Bean Day, National Welding Month, International Mother Earth Day, and Chemists Celebrate Earth Day.

National High Five Day, etc.

April 21, 2011

Give out some high fives
To the friends you see today
And anyone else.

… that you feel like high fiving.

It’s Kindergarten DayNational High Five Day (the third Thursday of April), PariliaGrounation DaySan Jacinto Day, and the Skynet takeover (Craig Ferguson mentioned this on his show).